Back to NaturopathsArticles Related to Naturopaths
10 Herbs for Women’s HealthDefinitions and information on herbs that are great for Women's Health
14 Superfoods to Improve Your HealthFoods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to aid great health
15 Whole Grains to Improve your HealthWhole Grain, what are they, the benefits of eating them and what they can protect you from
7 Herbs to Boost your Immune SystemHerbs to help stregthen your immune system getting you through the winter season
Acidic FoodsRead on to find out why we need to balance acidic and alkaline foods.
AcidophilusMore people are turning to natural products for the prevention and treatment of diseases. For many years, some cultures have been using live foods to promote good digestion. The common denominator among these dishes is acidophilus which is naturally ...
AcidosisAcidosis is a condition when the body becomes too acidic. But why is it so dangerous to our health? Read on to learn more.
Adrenal ExhaustionAdrenal exhaustion is also known as adrenal fatigue. Other names include hypoadrenia, non-Addison’s hypoadrenia and, in its most severe form, Addison’s disease. It is a modern condition that is associated with overwork and high stress, and it is...
AlanineAlanine is an amino acid that helps the body to convert glucose, a simple sugar, into energy and also helps the body to eliminate excess toxins from the liver. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Alanine is a non-essential amino acid, m...
Alkaline FoodsAlkaline foods are vital for helping the body to maintain its natural pH balance. Read on to find out more about why this balance needs to be maintained and to learn more about alkaline foods.
Alkaline WaterWater is water, right? Not necessarily. Alkaline water can help to create proper health in your body. Read on to learn more.
Allergy EliminationDo you suffer from allergic symptoms such as itching, rashes, hay fever, cramps, asthma, or runny eyes? There is a good chance that you are allergic to a substance either in the environment or in the foods that you are consuming. Unfortunately, it ...
AllicinAllicin is the major compound in garlic that is responsible for its hot taste and many of its health benefits. Read on to learn more.
Aloe VeraAloe vera contains over 70 necessary ingredients and more than 200 biologically active elements including minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides, vitamins, biological stimulators, amino acids, and proteins. These work on the body in a number of ways to ...
AndrographisAndrographis is a shrub found throughout India and other Asian countries that is sometimes referred to as “Indian Echinacea”. It is also known as the “King of Bitters”. Find out more about its health benefits.
AntioxidantsAntioxidants have quite a number of health benefits and are a vital part of any diet. They are present in a number of fresh foods and their role is to neutralise the effects of free radicals upon the body.
Apple Cider VinegarApple cider vinegar is an old remedy that has been credited with fixing just about anything.
Artificial SweetenersXylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are all artificial sweeteners that are called sugar alcohols or polyols. They are helpful for those trying to control the amount of calories in their diet and also for diabetics. Read on to learn more about these art...
Attention Deficit DisorderAttention deficit disorder (ADD) is the most commonly reported childhood behaviour disorder, and is characterised by poor attention span, impulsive behaviour, and hyperactivity in some children. It is most common in childhood but some sufferers carr...
BasilBasil (ocimum basilicum) is an aromatic herb that is widely grown in Iran, India and other countries in Asia. Its leaves are light green in colour and resemble peppermint leaves.
Beta CaroteneBeta Carotene
Beta Casein IntoleranceIf you find that milk doesn’t agree with you like it should, it may not be the lactose in the milk. In fact, it might be a type of protein called A1 beta casein. Find out exactly what the different types of beta casein are and how they can affect...
BifidobacteriumBifidobacterium is one of the friendly bacteria that naturally occurs in the intestines of both infants and adults and in the vaginal tract of adults. As one of the first good bacteria to colonise in the intestines of infants who are breastfed, bifid...
Binge EatingEveryone has overeaten at some point or another but binge eating is different to overeating from time to time. Learn more about this disorder and find out some strategies to help overcome it.
BloatingIs bloating sometimes a problem for you? It can cause pa
Blood Sugar LevelsThe levels of sugar in the blood are tightly controlled by the body and it is important that they are stable in order to achieve optimal wellbeing. But why is it so important to control blood sugar levels? Read on to learn more.
Building BiologyThis is the science that looks at the relationship between a person and the buildings that they inhabit
Caffeine and PregnancyMany people love their daily cups of tea or coffee, or love a cool cola. Does being pregnant mean that you have to give up the caffeine? Read on to find out more.
CalciumCalcium is usually identified with strong bones. What many people are not aware of is that calcium plays an important role in other bodily processes such as blood clotting, cell division, muscle contractions, brain function, hormonal balance and a re...
Can You Have Too Much Juice?Fruit juice is a preferred drink as it is thought of as it is healthier than many other drink choices. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? Read on to learn more.
ChamomileChamomile is an herbal treatment that has been in use since the times of ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome. There are two different species of chamomile that are used – German and Roman chamomile. Both strains have the same effect and are extremely...
ChlorellaYou may not have heard of it before but chlorella is one superfood that has a whole host of nutritional benefits. Read on to find out more.
Choosing a NaturopathChoosing a naturopath is an essential tool in managing one's nutrition, environment and lifestyle
CinnamonCinnamon is a well known spice used in cooking, but did you know that it can also be used therapeutically? Cinnamon actually has a wide range of health benefits. Read on to learn more.
Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that has been getting a lot of press lately due to the benefits that it has on our health. But what exactly is it and what does it do?
CoffeeCoffee is one of the most often consumed beverages but is it really as bad as people say it is? In fact, coffee has several health benefits. Read on to learn more.
Colloidal SilverColloidal silver is a powerful, natural substance that can be used for all sorts of conditions. In fact, it is one of the strongest natural antibiotics known to man.
Conditions that benefit from Naturopathic TreatmentNaturopathic medicine is based on the theory that the body has the natural ability to heal itself. A naturopath will assess the person as a whole, and identify the cause of a problem or illness and treat it.
Conditions that Benefit from NaturopathyNaturopathy is based on the theory that the body has the natural ability to heal itself. A naturopath will assess the person as a whole, and identify the cause of a problem or illness and treat it.
Congestive Heart FailureCongestive heart failure is a condition suffered by many Australian people but, while it is scary, it can be managed by natural therapies in conjunction with standard treatments. Natural therapies can help to make your life more comfortable if you h...
Dandruff or Psoriasis in the HairDandruff is defined as excessive scaling of the dead skin on the scalp. It is characterised by flakes of skin that range from small and white to large, greasy and yellow. Itchy flaking may appear on the scalp or eyebrows, or around the hairline, ea...
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)DHEA is a supplement that is thought to have anti aging effects. But what exactly is DHEA and does it contain any risks?
Detox for SummerOur bodies are continually loaded with toxins and detoxing helps the body to remove those toxins, helping you to lose weight, feel healthier and recover from any lingering health problems.
Diabetes - CausesDiabetes is a problem for many people today, but the causes are not well known. For this reason, we have outlined the commonest causes of diabetes below.
Diabetes and KidsDiabetes is a disorder in which the body can no longer process blood sugar (glucose). This is because diabetics can no longer produce insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that aids in the regulation of glucose in the body. The glucose can th...
DigestionDigestion is the process through which the body gets the nutrients that it needs to run as its best. Learn about how the digestive system works and what you can do to help keep it running efficiently.
DiureticsDiuretics are simply things that help the body to get rid of sodium and water. These can be in the form of medication or there are natural diuretics. Read on to find out more.
Do I Need Iron Supplements?How do you know if you need to take iron supplements? And if you’re low in iron, what’s the best way to supplement your diet?
EchinaceaEchinacea is a well known natural remedy that is mainly used for the treatment of colds and flu. It is a great infection fighter and natural antibiotic. Read on to learn more about its benefits.
Elimination DietIf you experience itchiness, swelling and redness after consuming certain foods, chances are that you have a food allergy. A food allergy is your immune system’s response to specific substances found in food.
Emotional EatingDo you have a favourite comfort food that seems to make you feel better when you are feeling a bit down? Comfort eating is normal if done once in a while but too much can cross over into being emotional eating. Find out exactly what emotional eatin...
Emu OilEmu oil has been used by the Aborigines for thousands of years due to its healing properties
Examples EatingChildren tend to choose candies, sweets, sugary drinks, deep fried foods and junk food over fruits and vegetables. As a parent, you may hear yourself constantly explaining to your children about the benefits of nutritious food, to no avail. At the di...
ExhaustionExhaustion, also known as fatigue, can leave us feeling absolutely dreadful. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Read on to learn more.
Fat Burning FoodsA good diet and exercise are always part of the equation if you are looking to lose weight, but did you know that there are some fat burning foods that can help you along the long way? Read on to discover what they are.
Feeling LethargicYour body needs nutrients from the right kind of food to keep it going. More often than not, lethargy or low energy levels may be naturally treated by simply making some adjustments in your diet.
FibromyalgiaDo you often hurt all over and feel exhausted? If you’ve been to the doctor and they haven’t been able to find anything specifically wrong with you then it’s possible that you are suffering from fibromyalgia. If this is the case, then you do ...
Flu Prevention – Top TipsHow to prevent the flu this winter, naturally.
Folate and folic acidThe difference between folate and folic acid
Food IntolerancesUnderstand about food intolerances being a reaction to a specific food or ingredient
Foods and ADHDADHD is becoming more common in children and it seems that the foods that are eaten may be having more of an impact than is realised. Read on to find out about foods that should be eaten and foods that should be avoided.
Foot CrampFoot cramps, when they occur, often come on suddenly with searing pain. However, you don’t have to live with them. There are some natural remedies that can help.
Four Ways to Fight FatigueFatigue is a symptom, rather than a specific disease or disorder, and is characterised by persistent tiredness. It can also be a symptom of another condition or disease.
Fresh BreathDo you ever worry that your breath may sometimes smell less than its best? Don’t rely on traditional mouthwashes and sprays. There are some natural remedies that will ensure that your breath always smells sweet.
Ginger - a natural blood thinnerGinger is a creeper with a subterranean stem that provides the 'root' commonly used in cooking. It has traditionally been used to treat gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea and diarrhoea as well as headaches and arthritis. Ginger aids in the a...
Ginkgo BilobaGinkgo biloba is a well known herbal remedy that is particularly popular for the effect that it has on the brain. But what exactly is it and what are all the benefits that it has? Read on to learn more.
GlucosamineGlucosamine is a natural sugar compound found in the body, essential in the creation and repair of joint cartilage. It is taken as a supplement to alleviate the effects of osteoarthritis, particularly knee osteoarthritis, as it assists in the format...
Goji Berries and Goji JuiceWhat makes Goji juice so great
Good Oils & Bad OilsThere is a bewildering array of oils available at your local supermarket, which makes choosing one for your kitchen a challenging task. Read on to find out what to look for and which oils to avoid on your next shopping trip.
Gotu KolaGotu kola (centella asiatica) is an herb that is a member of the parsley family. Gotu kola grows well in water and has small fan-shaped green leaves with white or light purple-to-pink flowers.
GrapeseedThe active ingredient in grapes that has been singled out as responsible for the potency of wine and grape juice is grapeseed extract, a nutrient that is obtained from the seed of grapes.
Gum DiseaseGum disease (periodontitis) is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone which support your teeth. Gum disease, if untreated, can lead to tooth loss and increases your risk of heart attack, stroke and other serious health problems...
HaemorrhoidsHaemorrhoids, or piles, are enlarged veins of the rectal/anal area that become dilated and swollen. These can occur internally, typically in your rectum, or externally around your anus. Haemorrhoids are very common in the adult population, with 50 ...
Hair LossIf you are experiencing hair loss, there are some natural therapies that can help, so try not to worry too much.
Hair Tissue Mineral AnalysisWhat goes on inside your body may not be evident on the outside, making an accurate diagnosis of a health problem sometimes difficult. In some cases, a treatment of an existing ailment may not seem to work because of mineral deficiencies or imbalance...
HeadachesEveryone suffers from a headache at some point in their lives but there is no need to turn straight to drugs to get rid of the pain. Medication is not an optimal treatment choice as it just masks the symptoms, rather than addressing the cause of the...
Health Benefits Of Korean GinsengKorean ginseng is a perennial herb that has been used for thousands of years as a natural antidote for various illnesses. The only part of the Korean ginseng that possesses health giving qualities is its root. The older the root, the more potent it i...
Heart DiseaseHeart disease is a concern for many people but exactly how much do you know about it? Read on to find out what you need to know.
HeartburnHeartburn is an uncomfortable condition that has afflicted most people at one time or another. However, there is no need to rely on antacids or other medication to deal with it. There are some great natural remedies and prevention methods that will...
Helpful Herbal Pick-Me-UpsThere are several different herbs that are great for increasing your energy and making you feel better in general.
HepatitisHepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and the leading cause of liver damage worldwide. In many cases, hepatitis has led to life-threatening diseases such as liver cancer and cirrhosis.
Herbal MedicineHerbal Medicine is the procedure of using plants or herbs to treat illness, and to enhance general wellbeing.
HerpesHerpes is a condition that carries a lot of stigma but it is more common than most people realise. While it cannot be cured, there is much that you can do to help control the amount and severity of attacks that may occur. Read on to learn more abou...
How Digestion WorksFood is to the human body as fuel is to an engine or machine. You eat in order to keep your body in good working condition. Food becomes useful after it is broken down into its component parts of smaller molecules for easy absorption by the body.
How to Cleanse Your LungsA lung cleanse aims to detoxify the lungs through a structured regime of herbs, exercises and breathing techniques.
How To Find The Right Course To StudyNatural therapy or natural medicine is an alternative approach used to treat diseases by helping the body heal itself. Its methods have gained popularity because these are natural and non-invasive.
HyperandrogenismThe presence of male and female sex hormones influences the sexual development of a person. While both sexes have male and female sex hormones, there is a predominance of male sex hormones (androgen) in men and female sex hormones (estrogen and proge...
HypothyroidismThe thyroid gland is located just in front of the neck, and is right above the collarbone, and Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition in which your thyroid gland may not be producing enough of your body’s hormones.
Immune SystemThe immune system is your body's defence mechanism against disease and sickness. Unless you live a sealed environment, your body is regularly exposed to viruses, bacteria, toxins and other micro-organisms that can enter your body that trigger disease...
Importance of Seeing a Professionalthat you may be unable to obtain from the food you eat. Your diet may not have sufficient quantities of vitamins and minerals that are appropriate for your needs. While you may purchase supplements in health stores without need for a prescription, it...
Improving Your Brain PowerUsing herbs, foods, teas and tonics to improve your brain functions
InsomniaInsomnia, whether temporary or chronic, is something that we will all suffer from at some point in our lives. However, there are some natural therapies that will help ease the frustration and making falling asleep and staying asleep easier. Read on...
Intergrative MedicineIntegrative medicine supersedes naturopathic medicine and is based on the following principles.
Internal Blood ClotsA blood clot is a natural process whereby blood thickens and solidifies or coagulates to form a clot. This is part of the body's natural mechanism to prevent extensive loss of blood when a blood vessel is injured. A clot consists of blood platelets...
IodineIodine is a crucial constituent of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, chemical messengers that regulate the development of the central nervous system and metabolic processes in the body. As the body does not produce or store iodine a balanced d...
Is Your Ccoffee Full of Sugar? Did you know that your morning cup of coffee could have up to 25 teaspoons of sugar?
JasmineThe extract of jasmine flower oil is a popular fragrance used in aromatherapy for stress relief. It is reputed to sedate the nervous system, and is therefore prescribed for a wide range of emotional conditions. It is also a popular ingredient in pe...
Kidney DiseaseKidney disease has become one of the world's leading causes of death. It usually starts out unnoticed with most people experiencing no signs or symptoms at all until it progresses to kidney failure.
Kidney HealthYour kidney and the other vital organs of your body are interconnected. If your kidney is in poor condition, you may also suffer other degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer.
Leg CrampAnyone that has suffered from leg cramps knows that they can often be quite painful and even debilitating when they occur. However, there are some great natural remedies that can prevent these cramps from occurring or at least reduce their severity....
Liquid IronLiquid Iron is an important dietary mineral regularly prescribed by nutritionists and naturopaths as a form of supplementation to those with low blood-Iron levels.
LiquoriceWhen most people think of liquorice, they think of the lolly but it is also a remedy that has many health benefits. Read on to find out if it can be of use to you.
Live Blood AnalysisLive blood analysis is a test that can give you a very accurate state of health, and allow you to find out about disease in your body, allowing you to implement steps to reverse it before it starts to cause you problems. Read on to find out more abo...
Liver CleanseThe liver is one of the most important organs of your body. It is found at the upper right hand side of your abdomen and is responsible for purifying blood, converting food sugars into energy for the body and producing bile to help break down fats in...
Liver DetoxAre you sluggish it could mean you need to detox your liver
LupusLupus occurs when the immune system begins to attack the body’s tissues, causing inflammation and damage
MagnesiumMagnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and performs a host of important health functions
Mangosteen JuiceMangosteen juice is made from the seeds, rind, and flesh of this tropical fruit, and together with the pomegranate and acai berry, is one of natures super fruits. These typically have high nutrient and anti-oxidant qualities. Mangosteens contain xan...
MastitisMastitis is a painful infection that affects many new mothers. However there are ways to relieve the pain naturally, and best of all, you can keep breastfeeding baby safely. Read on to learn more.
Memory FunctionA good memory is essential to performing daily activities. While most parts of the brain serve memory function, it is the hippocampus, located in your temporal lobe near your ear, which is essential to recalling information previously stored by your ...
Metabolic TypingEvery person has a unique biochemical makeup, with different nutritional requirements. Metabolic typing acknowledges these differences between people and thus optimises your health. Read on to learn more.
MethionineMethionine is an amino acid that must be obtained through the diet. It is vital for the body and has a number of health benefits. Read on to learn more about why it is so necessary.
Natural Cure for Autoimmune DiseasesWestern medicine would have you believe that once you get your autoimmune disease
Natural Remedies for PMSPremenstrual syndrome (PMS), also known as Premenstrual Tension (PMT), is the name that is used to describe a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that affect women before the start of menstruation.
OsteoporosisThe word “osteoporosis” literally means porous bones and it occurs when bones lose too much of their protein and mineral content – especially calcium.
PancreasThe pancreas is located near the stomach and small intestine. As an endocrine gland, it produces and secretes hormones such as insulin and glucagon directly into the bloodstream.
ParasitesMost people shudder when they think of parasites that could be potentially living in their body, and for good reason. Parasites can be responsible for a number of health problems; however, there is no need to live with them. There are methods that ...
ParsleyParsley (Petroselinum hortense) has its origins in the East Mediterranean part of Southern Europe, where its leaves have been used as an ingredient in dishes and as breath freshener.
Pau D’ArcoPau d’arco or Taheebo is a broad-leaf evergreen tree that grows in rain forests throughout Latin America. It has extremely hard wood, and as such is resistant to disease and decay.
Prevention Using Natural TherapiesHaving regular natural therapy treatments can prevent you from becoming ill or dis-eased
ProbioticsThese bacteria are vital for our health – two of the most well known probiotics are lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus.
Properties of Slippery ElmSlippery elm (ulmus fulva) is a tree that originated in North America where its inner bark has been used by Native Americans for centuries as treatment for a wide range of illnesses.
Red CloverAdvanced nations in the west are looking more and more to eastern practices for natural therapies as an alternative to modern medicines. One such practice involves the use of red clover for treating common illnesses.
Restless Legs SyndromeDo you find that you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep because of a need to move your legs? You may be suffering from restless legs syndrome. Read on to find out more about what it is and what natural therapies may be of help to you.
RosemaryRosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a herb of Mediterranean origin that is generally used for seasoning soups, stews, meat and fish. The essential oil of this aromatic herb is also used in cosmetic products such as skin toners.
Saturated FatsSaturated fats are often thought of as the bad fats but you may be surprised to learn that we need a limited amount of them in our diet. Read on to find out more.
Shortness Of BreathShortness of breath is characterized by an intense tightening in the chest or feeling of suffocation. Almost anyone can experience shortness of breath in varying degrees.
SinusitisSinusitis can be a cause of misery for many people but the good news is that there are some natural ways that you can ease the discomfort. However, some of the remedies that are outlined here can be very potent and it is recommended that you always ...
Skin elasticityYour skin is the largest organ of the body. It is responsible protecting internal organs, and defends the body from pathogens, UV rays and a number of environmental irritants.
Sleep ApneaSleep apnea is a sleep disorder which causes interruptions in breathing during sleep. This is caused by the muscles of the throat relaxing, blocking the airway in the region at the rear of the throat.
Sore ThroatsA sore throat is one of the most common complaints of people who visit a health professional. A dry and itchy throat usually signals the onset of a virus, the flu or a cold.
Stomach CrampStomach cramp is painful, sometimes to the point of being debilitating but there is no need to rely on traditional medication to ease the pain. There are some great natural remedies that can be very effective.
Stress - Is it Doing You Damage?Stress may be positive as it puts you on alert and allows you to address a challenge or obstacle efficiently with your body’s fight or flight system.
The Healing Properties of HoneyFar from just being a tasty, sweet food, honey also has some amazing healing properties. Find out what honey can be used for.
The Health Benefits of CorianderCoriander (Coriandrum Sativum) is an herb that is believed to have been originally grown in the Mediterranean, and is generally used around the world as a condiment, flavouring and garnishing in dishes.
The Pros and Cons of DetoxingDetoxing may be defined as cleansing the body from poisons and toxins that may have accumulated in the colon, lymph, lungs, gallbladder, skin, blood, kidneys and liver.
The Purpose of ill healthThe old adage that a healthy mind is a healthy body is especially relevant in today's fast paced modern lifestyle. Ill health is the culmination of a number of factors, and is often the result of a disruption in our physical, mental or socialwell-bei...
The Therapeutic Properties of MintMint (menthe) is a popular Mediterranean herb that is known for its cool, breath freshening properties. As such, it is a favourite flavour found in toothpastes, chewing gums, mouthwashes, breath sprays, candies and even inhalers.
The Truth About Artificial SweetenersXylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are all artificial sweeteners that are called sugar alcohols or polyols. They are helpful for those trying to control the amount of calories in their diet and also for diabetics. Read on to learn more about these art...
The Truth About DietingMany people have undertaken some form of diet at one time or another, with the goal of fitting into a new outfit, or simply to help feel better about themselves. But is dieting actually having the opposite effect? Read on to learn more.
The Truth About FastingFasting has been practiced for eons as a spiritual or religious practice that cleanses and detoxifies the mind and body.
Top Tips for Beating TirednessTiredness is what your body feels when it lacks energy due to excessive physical and emotional stress.
Top Tips for SleepIn today’s busy world, sleep can be a precious commodity and, often, one that we don’t get enough of. So if you wake up in the morning and don’t feel as rested or refreshed as you should, try our tips to help you improve the quality of your sl...
Vegetarian's Guide to Choosing Omega-3 SupplementsHere we take a glance at the best omega-3 sources for a vegetarian or vegan diet and lifestyle.
Vitamin BB vitamins are essential for health and they perform a variety of functions in the body. But what are the different B vitamins and what do they do? Read on to find out more.
Vitamin CVitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient for the healthy growth and development of cells and tissues. Ascorbate is an anti-oxidant, effectively nullifying the damage volatile oxygen free radical molecules do to our DNA.
Vitamin DVitamin D is necessary as it helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium is important for healthy bones, muscles, and teeth. But are you getting the vitamin D that you need?
What are Vibrational Essences?Vibrational essences (commonly referred to as flower essences) use the vital force of plants and other substances to assist the body’s natural healing process.
What Does Stress Create In Your BodyStress is a normal part of life that usually comes from everyday experiences and may elicit a bodily response that is physical, mental or emotional. Your body is equipped with an internal mechanism to deal with stress. When you are faced with a stres...
What's So Good About Glucosamine?Glucosamine is a natural sugar compound found in the body, essential in the creation and repair of joint cartilage. It is taken as a supplement to alleviate the effects of osteoarthritis, particularly knee osteoarthritis, as it assists in the format...
When To Take ProbioticsYour body contains a good amount of healthy micro-organisms which keep bad bacteria from overcrowding your digestive system. When the growth of unhealthy bacteria is unchecked, your body may begin to experience signs and symptoms of disease or sickne...
Whey ProductsWhey is a great source of minerals and digestive bacteria. It is great for fermenting vegetables and for recipes such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and beet kvass. You can also drink it when you have an upset stomach. Whey protein and products provide re...
Why Medication May Not Help with DepressionAre you a sufferer of depression? Then you may be interested to know that medication may not be the cure-all that you may have hoped. Read on to learn more about why medication may not help with depression.
Why you should eat fermented foodsWhat do kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and yoghurt have in common?
Zinc Reduces Severity and Duration of ColdsThere is no dispute about the importance of zinc in our diets.